
Lemmings inspiration

Mock-up screen of this classic addictive puzzle game. The original graphics looked as though they were ported from the 16 bit computer versions and changed to monochrome which resulted in much loss of detail so I decided to  re-do one of the screens (copied from Amiga version) for the humble ZX Spectrum.

Title: Lemmings
Author: Andy Green
Format: Standard 6912
Palette: sRGB
Year: 2018
Original filename: Lemmings screen 1.scr
Download Andy+Green+-+Lemmings+%282018%29.scrOriginal file
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Tags: Icon, Mockup, Лемминг
Views: 177
Added by: Andy Green, 29.10.2018 22:55

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Dimidrol 4 02.05.2020 07:21
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creator 5 31.10.2018 23:18
moroz1999 5 30.10.2018 23:46
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