Heavy on the magick

Heavy on the magick
Heavy on the magick
Heavy on the magick

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Title: Heavy on the magick
Author: Backasoft
Format: Standard 6912
Palette: sRGB
Release name: Heavy on the Magick
Year: 1995
Original filename: heavy.scr
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Tags: Alternative Loading Screen, Book, Candle, Hood, Magic, Man, Pentagram, Witchcraft, Wizard
Views: 611
Added by: Bedazzle, 13.08.2015 23:23

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Nickname Votes Date
creator 5 15.10.2019 01:24
NeilParsons 3 02.09.2015 03:39
Ricardo 4 17.08.2015 01:41
Tzerra 4 16.08.2015 12:23
diver 3 15.08.2015 09:35
Dimidrol 4 15.08.2015 08:40
tiboh 4 14.08.2015 16:19
moroz1999 4 13.08.2015 23:49