Star Trek: The Rebel Universe 2

Star Trek: The Rebel Universe 2
Star Trek: The Rebel Universe 2
Star Trek: The Rebel Universe 2
Star Trek: The Rebel Universe 2 inspiration
Title: Star Trek: The Rebel Universe 2
Author: 4thRock
Format: Standard 6912
Palette: sRGB
Year: 2016
Original filename: star_trek_-_the_rebel_universe_02.scr
Download 4thRock+-+Star+Trek+The+Rebel+Universe+2+%282016%29.scrOriginal file
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Tags: C64 Related, Chopping, Female, Male, Man, Mockup, Star Trek
Views: 559
Added by: Ricardo, 28.01.2016 14:50
diver 29.01.2016 12:53
hey, it's just a conversion? though it was a real thing, dithered specially for zx spectrum.
Ricardo 30.01.2016 21:45
Straight conversion as you can see from the C64 image!
I did change some atributes, but it's very close to the original.

My guess is they started with the Spectrum screen and them moved to the C64.

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Votes history

Nickname Votes Date
Free_Wind 5 04.05.2021 01:52
creator 5 09.10.2019 19:24
Dimidrol 3 03.03.2016 06:27
scalesmann 3 20.02.2016 12:00
vassa 5 29.01.2016 12:56
diver 4 29.01.2016 12:54
tiboh 4 28.01.2016 15:20
Ricardo 3 28.01.2016 14:59