

"This stern eye you fear,
This condemning finger pointed at you" 
(c) Samael

This is an experimental work made for Timex TC2144 and TC2128 modifications, which are basically TC2048 with support of 128 memory. This makes possible usage of two Hi-Res images instead of one, so a gigascreen can be displayed. Since Timex Hi-Res supports some global coloring, the different schemes can be combined to get a palette of 4 colours.

Initially the image was made in a darker palette because of calculation error, which was corrected on one of the last stages.

Title: Jealousy
Author: moroz1999
Format: Timex TC2144/TC2128 Hi-Res Gigascreen
Palette: sRGB
Party: Multimatograf 2018 (Out of compo / Disqualified)
Year: 2018
Original filename: Jealousy.hrg
Download moroz1999+-+Jealousy+%282018%29+%28Multimatograf+2018%29.hrgOriginal file
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Tags: Beard, Face, Male, Religion, Skull, Sky, Stone, Бог
Views: 732
Added by: moroz1999, 30.04.2018 00:26
Ricardo 30.04.2018 14:05
Interesting! What color modes were used?
Red/cyan & black/white ?
moroz1999 30.04.2018 14:11
Thank you! Exactly, tha't white on black and cyan on red :)
There are some other possible combinations as well. It's best seen on interlaced mode, but I'm not sure that interlaced gigascreen is possible on real machine, since there are two ports to output updated value for each row. So it requires some proof of concept.
Ricardo 30.04.2018 14:09
Could you please share some info about the #field.format_timexhrg# format ?
I'd like to try to convert some images to that format.
moroz1999 30.04.2018 14:18
Thanks, I've filled a forgotten translation string.
It's currently just two hires images together:
* 12288 bytes of first image (progressive, plain pixels)
* 1 byte of color info
* 12288 bytes of second image (progressive, plain pixels)
* 1 byte of color info
It's a same format as usual Timex Hi-Res image, just doubled. So basically on real hardware each image should be divided by even/odd columns and each half placed into right memory location. Color info byte should be switched for each frame similar way as #7ffd value.
moroz1999 30.04.2018 14:55
BTW, how to convert 4-colors indexed BMP:
1. Open it in photoshop.
2. Set all layers black except one clean INK color, save as first image.
3. Set all layers black except another clean INK color, save as second image.
4. Convert both images to usual Hi-Res using BMP2SCR.
5. Adjust the last byte of each image for a desired color setting as described in
6. Merge both converted images into single file.
Ricardo 30.04.2018 17:11

When I have time I'll play a bit with Javascript and see if I can write a viewer / converter :)
Hires Interlace is an interesting concept.
moroz1999 30.04.2018 17:37 - as usual, the latest PHP converter is here.
Ricardo 10.05.2018 13:06
Some investigations on this mode.

Possible palettes:

Same image with different palettes:







If you want you can use this image for tests, conversions, etc!
moroz1999 10.05.2018 15:43
Interesting! But how did you get 8 colors in each palette?
Ricardo 10.05.2018 17:18
I see I made a mistake!
You can't show colors from just one image on gigascreen, you must always mix!
I'll redo all of this.

(feel free to delete my post if it creates confusion)
moroz1999 10.05.2018 18:10
No problem, let the post be. But yes, there are only max 4 colours in all combinations, and putting same color pair to both screens reduces it to three colors. So there seems to be more than 6 palettes.
Ricardo 11.05.2018 17:09
OK, if I got it right, the combinations are 10, like this:

On the left, you have the colors for each screen, on the right, the 4 (or 3) combinations you get with mixing.
Ricardo 11.05.2018 17:28
And here's what you get (palette order left»right, top»bottom, original image bottom right)
moroz1999 11.05.2018 17:36
Since we basically get the clashing-free mode, why not arrange colors by luminosity in a result palette?
This will also nicely affect the images :)
moroz1999 11.05.2018 17:33
Almost like that. I just think that SRGB correction should be made for blended colors, so, basically, basic color should be both converted to linear value, then blended, then converted back to SRGB.
Ricardo 11.05.2018 21:11
Nice discussion. I suggest you post about this on SpectrumComputing, the forum is easier to attach images. And other people might find this interesting.

Color space correction is an interesting idea. I guess the best solution is what looks closer to what you get on real hardware.

moroz1999 12.05.2018 01:14
We've just had a discussion about color mixing on Hype: - it's in Russian, please use google translate, it makes wonders nowadays.
I think that since there is no gigascreen blending on real hardware, then we should stick to choosing a proper blending for LCD monitors.
You can make a post on Spectrum Computing, I'm just a bit overloaded lately, it would take me some months before I open this discussion :)
Ricardo 13.05.2018 19:41
Great read! I agree that the sRGB mix looks closer to the flickering versions on my monitor.

The test image shows the checkerboard bottom left patterns similar to the right solid colors on all examples.
That's expected, my monitor is gamma corrected.

The top left flickering area on the first example looks very different (#00 #CD). It looks much darker than the reference colors.
The right example is OK, all areas are similar.
The middle example is close, but again the flickering area looks a bit darker than the rest.


For Timex images, you only have the Bright attribute variants, so all this is a bit simplified.

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