Bubble Bobble

Bubble Bobble
Bubble Bobble
Bubble Bobble

Another great loading screen of mine for "Bubble Bobble" videogame released by Firebird. This is an alternative to the sobriety and simplicity of the original loading screen, taking Taito's arcade videogame poster as reference for this graphic version.

Title: Bubble Bobble
Author: Neil Parsons
Format: Standard 6912
Palette: sRGB
Release name: Bubble Bobble
Year: 2014
Original filename: Bubble Bobble.scr
Download Neil+Parsons+-+Bubble+Bobble+%282014%29.scrOriginal file
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Tags: Alternative Loading Screen, Arcade, Bob, Bub, Bubbles, Cute, Enemies, Firebird, Graphic, Pixel-Art, Taito, Videogame, Zx Paintbrush
Views: 146
Added by: NeilParsons, 08.08.2021 22:52

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Nickname Votes Date
hashboy 5 19.11.2024 19:24
Kaminari 5 18.08.2024 18:41
Xela 5 23.05.2023 13:32
JMcGibbitts 5 22.03.2023 01:25
moroz1999 5 12.01.2023 23:19
Rodrigo yeowtch 5 05.11.2022 06:34
Grongy 5 03.04.2022 13:04
Epi 4 01.10.2021 05:32
Alessandro Grussu 5 30.08.2021 11:42
mch 5 18.08.2021 00:05
tiboh 4 13.08.2021 23:36
Dimidrol 5 10.08.2021 17:41
Ricardo 4 09.08.2021 14:54
creator 5 09.08.2021 13:14
KOD 4 08.08.2021 23:34