
So inspiration

An easy conversion from album cover artwork of So by Peter Gabriel, using firstly BMP2SCR image converter and secondly redesigned with ZX Paintbrush tool. It could be better but I didn't want to touch it more.

Title: So
Author: Neil Parsons
Format: Standard 6912
Palette: sRGB
Year: 2021
Original filename: Peter Gabriel - So.scr
Download Neil+Parsons+-+So+%282021%29.scrOriginal file
DownloadDownload for PC 2X 3X 4X
DownloadDownload for printing (A4 300dpi)
Tags: Album Cover, Artwork, Bmp2Scr, Celebrity, Composer, Genesis, Music, Musician, Peter Gabriel, Singer, So, Zx Paintbrush
Views: 230
Added by: NeilParsons, 06.11.2021 23:35

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WattTack 5 06.12.2024 07:14
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Free_Wind 5 07.11.2021 10:46