Mock-up: Donkey Kong Jr. (Level 2)

Mock-up: Donkey Kong Jr. (Level 2)
Mock-up: Donkey Kong Jr. (Level 2)
Mock-up: Donkey Kong Jr. (Level 2)

My personal view of how it could look like a conversion of Nintendo's Donkey Kong Jr. in any ZX Spectrum.

This is a look to second level.

I could have improved something here and in the rest of mockups...

Title: Mock-up: Donkey Kong Jr. (Level 2)
Author: Neil Parsons
Format: Standard 6912
Palette: sRGB
Year: 2012
Original filename: Donkey Kong Jr. mockup (level 2).scr
Download Neil+Parsons+-+Mock-up+Donkey+Kong+Jr.+%28Level+2%29+%282012%29.scrOriginal file
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Tags: Arcade, Conversion, Design, Donkey Kong Jr., Mockup, Videogames, Zx Paintbrush
Views: 89
Added by: NeilParsons, 08.08.2021 16:36

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moroz1999 4 12.01.2023 23:05
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Ricardo 4 09.08.2021 14:55
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creator 5 08.08.2021 18:29