Zorro (version 1)

Zorro (version 1)
Zorro (version 1)
Zorro (version 1)
Zorro (version 1) inspiration

Made with ZX Paintbrush, this is my alternative loading screen for Datasoft videogame "Zorro", with a close-up detail from the original cover artwork. This is one version, when I realised I could do something better with another style, also taking more elements from the same videogame artwork.

Title: Zorro (version 1)
Author: Neil Parsons
Format: Standard 6912
Palette: sRGB
Year: 2013
Original filename: Zorro Ver.1.scr
Download Neil+Parsons+-+Zorro+%28version+1%29+%282013%29.scrOriginal file
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Tags: Alternative Loading Screen, Arcade, Datasoft, Hat, Mask, Sky, Sword, Videogame, Zorro, Zx Paintbrush
Views: 95
Added by: NeilParsons, 08.08.2021 22:08

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Grongy 5 24.05.2024 16:12
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tiboh 5 14.08.2021 06:09
Ricardo 5 09.08.2021 14:55
djj 5 09.08.2021 13:32
creator 5 09.08.2021 13:13
KOD 5 08.08.2021 23:35