Comment by  zx-fan:…. (year 1995) from the PC game “Dig” by LucasArts

Statement by zx-fan: “I am not author of any of those screens!  I am just zx-fan recovering spectrum graphics from old tapes.” 

Screens are from period of years: 1992-1996. All posted screens were hand made (drawn) on the real  ZX-Spectrum 48kb + cassette tape recorder + graphics editor: Art studio.

Author of all screens = “joe zx”  .

Title: DIG
Author: zx-fan
Format: Standard 6912
Palette: sRGB
Year: 1995
Original filename: DIG.scr
Download zx-fan+-+DIG+%281995%29.scrOriginal file
DownloadDownload for PC 2X 3X 4X
DownloadDownload for printing (A4 300dpi)
Tags: Creature, Dig, Game Graphics, Lucasarts
Views: 195
Added by: zx-fan, 17.01.2019 17:38

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