Name of the group: CPU

Group's alias: CyberPunks Unity

Group members CPU

Group member Name Starting from Until Roles in group
Ant Andrej Stepanov Graphician
Blind Mihail Malyshev Programmer
CAV Inc Aleksandr Kotov Support
Chasm Vladimir Fedorov Organizer, Support
Miguel Mikhail Ershov Support
Ray Software Andrey Gladyshev Support
Shaitan Uriy Parshukov Programmer
Steel Rat Andrej Bumagin Support
alff Aleksandr Krylov Unknown role

Mentions in articles

Adventurer #08 (1998) / От автора
Introduction by the author and editorial team details.
Adventurer #11 (1999) / Презентация
Presentation of the game KooLeGGz, a conversion of the electronic game 'Nu, Pogodi!' by HorrorSoft/CPU. Discusses development history and challenges faced during creation. Released in Adventurer #11, 1999.
Adventurer #15 (2004) / Reviews
The article discusses the development of modifications and remakes of classic games for the ZX Spectrum platform. Key projects include enhanced versions of 'Nether Earth' and new sound capabilities with General Sound. Additionally, it reviews attempts to create Doom-like engines and real-time strategies.
Adventurer #15 (2004) / Tutorials
hewle splines.
Buzz #16 (1998) / Rave
Reflections on FunTop's organization and preferences in demo competitions. Discussions of peculiar cultural events, such as a humorous incident with Bill Gates. Thoughts on electronic publications and the best e-magazines of the time.
Deja Vu #05 (1998) / Аперативчик
Discussion on supporting machines with more than 128k memory, leading to separate shells for 128k and 256k systems. Testing was mainly done on Scorpion and Profi, with functionality on other models anticipated. Article includes guidance on unpacking source files and insights on using improved algorithms.
Micro #04 (1998) / Взгляд в будущее
Discussion on the evolution of ZX Spectrum enthusiasts amid PC price drops, advocating for professional unification and creative use of other platforms.

Software developer

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