Name: Logros Software

Other group names (aliases): Логрос
Type: Company
Country: Russia
City: St.Petersburg
Links: Page on Spectrum ComputingPage on Spectrum Computing

Group members Logros Software

Group member Name Starting from Until Roles in group
Sergey Loginow Сергей Логинов Unknown role
Михаил Акимов Михаил Акимов Organizer
Николай Федоров Николай Федоров Unknown role

Mentions in articles

Adventurer #15 (2004) / Reviews
The article discusses the development of modifications and remakes of classic games for the ZX Spectrum platform. Key projects include enhanced versions of 'Nether Earth' and new sound capabilities with General Sound. Additionally, it reviews attempts to create Doom-like engines and real-time strategies.
Spectrofon #14 (1995) / Advertisement
Advertisement of Spectrofon magazine, offering licenses and calls for collaboration. Contact details for buying games and software. Studio Logros promotes Russian programmers.
ZX Format #01 (1995) / Mailbox
Discussion on hardware and software offers in St. Petersburg by LOGROS and Create Soft, including detailed insights on Kempston Mouse interface.
ZX Format #01 (1995) / Информация
Introduction to ZX-Format, a new electronic magazine for ZX Spectrum enthusiasts, focusing on games, programming, hardware, and community interaction.
ZX Format #02 (1995) / Information
Discussion about companies illegally distributing ZX Format, emphasizing the benefits of purchasing official copies.
ZX Format #02 (1995) / Разное
Перспективы П/О.
ZX Format #07 (1997) / From the Authors
Update on SMUC, distribution issues, and plans for future ZX Format issues. Authors address outdated SMUC info and distribution problems of ZF-6. Upcoming content includes game descriptions and new projects.
ZX Format #07 (1997) / Почта
This advertisement highlights XL Design Inc.'s software distribution campaign, offering games like 'Plutonia' and upcoming releases such as 'Mortal Kombat'. Mouse controllers are promoted with humorous selling points and pricing details. Studio LOGROS provides a wide range of software and peripherals, with options for local and remote purchases.
ZX Format #07 (1997) / Почта
Discussion of reader inquiries on ZX Format distribution and content. Responses include details on acquiring issues and technical insights on the KAY-256 computer. The magazine also addresses criticism of its market outlook article.

Software developer

Publisher of software

Published releases

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