Name of the group: RUSH

Group's alias: Rush International Software Producing Association

Group members RUSH

Group member Name Starting from Until Roles in group
Afin'a Unknown role
Deeckobruz Dmitriy Dudko Unknown role
Evolver Vladislav Petukevich Musician
Grunge Sergej Stepanov Unknown role
IMP Vladimir Hropov Musician
Kvazar Александр Селезнев Support
Roman Alexandrov Роман Александров Unknown role
Ruff Pavel Dudko Programmer
Slider Igor Pozdeev Unknown role
Viator Viktor Onischenko Programmer, Organizer, Game Designer
Znahar Aleksandr Lihoded Programmer, Musician
Максим Романов Unknown role

Mentions in articles

Micro #04 (1998) / Взгляд в будущее
Discussion on the evolution of ZX Spectrum enthusiasts amid PC price drops, advocating for professional unification and creative use of other platforms.
Oberon #02 (1996) / Review
Analysis of the 1996 ENLIGHT demo competition in St. Petersburg, evaluating participants and results across platforms. Highlights the achievements and critiques of notable entries. Provides insights into the dynamics of the competition and perspectives on the ZX Spectrum demos.
Oberon #03 (1997) / Amiga rulez?
Critical essay on contemporary computer culture, contrasting IBM and Amiga platforms. Discusses societal impact of IBM standardization and advocates Amiga as a symbol of creativity and individuality. Reflects on the evolution of computer usage and preferences since the ZX Spectrum era.
Rush #01 (1999) / AMIGA NEWS
Analysis of Amiga's survival in the 90s, highlighting community efforts and technological advancements. Discussion on hardware improvements and software development. Encouragement for further exploration and learning about the Amiga platform.
Rush #01 (1999) / Authors
Acknowledgment of contributors and partners in creating Rush magazine. Detailed roles of each author and collaboration insights. Recognition of technical support and media partnerships.
Rush #01 (1999) / Development of the Spectrum
The article discusses a new graphical extension for the ZX Spectrum that enhances color palettes without increasing resource demands. By using a modified flash signal, new colors are created without interfering with existing software compatibility. The article provides implementation details and addresses practical usage concerns.
Rush #01 (1999) / Interview
Interview with ANTARES group after FUNTOP-98. Discussion on their demos, challenges, and future plans. Insight into the group's formation and dynamics.
Rush #01 (1999) / Interview
Interview with Alexander Seleznev (KVAZAR), discussing his history with computers, the state of the ZX Spectrum scene, and future plans.
Rush #01 (1999) / Introduction
Introduction to Rush, a new scenemag for Speccy/Amiga enthusiasts, aims to provide quality content and news while encouraging reader feedback.
Rush #01 (1999) / Scene Chronology
Overview of the Rush group's activities, including past projects, current endeavors, and future plans, with emphasis on software development and gaming.
Rush #01 (1999) / Spectrum Programming
Discussion of combining sound effects with music for Spectrum's AY chip. Examples from development of 'CSC: Deja Vu' and technical challenges faced. Contains practical guide and code examples.
ZX Format #07 (1997) / Интервью
Interview with Slash about the ENLiGHT event, including sponsorship issues, attendee behavior, and the quality of music and demos. Discussion of the current state of the Spectrum and Amiga markets. Commentary on music trackers and the future of hardware development.
ZX Format #07 (1997) / Разное
The article describes the development of a new graphics editor called STATE OF THE ART for ZX Spectrum, aiming to improve upon existing editors like ART-STUDIO and ARTIST-2. The team AVALON, inspired by feedback from the SPECCY artist community, incorporates features from editors on Amiga and PC, while also addressing specific user requests. Key features include a user-friendly interface, enhanced magnify mode, advanced shape and window manipulation, and optimized performance.

Software developer

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