Henrietta's Book of Spells: Editor.B

Is a part of release: Henrietta's Book of Spells
File size: 12237
md5: bd83ae78a4dc7edb9c181c2dfbb0674d
  20 BORDER 5: PAPER 5: INK 0: CLS 
  100 LET h$="": LET m=1: LET ct=1: LET block=(m-1)*100
  2000 CLS 
  2005 GO SUB 2500: IF m=6 THEN  PRINT AT 5,0;" 1 :Level";AT 5,10;"  Magic Words  ": GO TO 2010
  2007 PRINT AT 5,0;" 1 :Level"; PAPER 7;AT 5,10;" ";m+4;" letter words "
  2010 PRINT AT 7,0;" 2 :View complete level";AT 9,0;" 3 :Edit single word";AT 11,0;" 4 :Edit whole level";AT 13,0;" 5 :Step backwards through level";AT 15,0;" 6 :Step forwards through level";AT 17,0;" 7 :Save/Load word-block";AT 19,0;" 8 :Help Page"
  2060 LET i$=INKEY$: IF i$="" THEN  GO TO 2060
  2062 IF i$="5" AND ct>1 THEN  LET ct=ct-1: BEEP .05 TO ,0: GO SUB 2500
  2064 IF i$="6" AND m<6 AND ct<100 THEN  LET ct=ct+1: BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO SUB 2500
  2065 IF i$="6" AND m=6 AND ct<30 THEN  LET ct=ct+1: BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO SUB 2500
  2066 IF i$="1" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO TO 5500
  2068 IF i$="2" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO TO 3000
  2070 IF i$="3" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO TO 6000
  2072 IF i$="4" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO TO 7000
  2074 IF i$="7" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO TO 4000
  2080 IF i$="8" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO TO 8000
  2099 GO TO 2060
  2500 PRINT AT 2,0;" CURRENT WORD  "; BRIGHT 1; PAPER 0; INK 7;AT 2,15; PAPER 7; INK 0;" ";w$(block+ct): RETURN 
  3002 IF m=6 THEN  GO TO 3500
  3005 LET f=block+1: CLS : PRINT  PAPER 7;AT 0,0;" Level ";m;"    Word List    Page 1 ": FOR g=2 TO 21: PRINT  PAPER 4;AT g,0;w$(f): LET f=f+1: NEXT g: FOR g=2 TO 21: PRINT  PAPER 2; INK 7;AT g,11;w$(f): LET f=f+1: NEXT g: FOR g=2 TO 21: PRINT  PAPER 6; INK 0;AT g,22;w$(f): LET f=f+1: NEXT g
  3010 PRINT #0;"                  Press any key ": PAUSE 0: BEEP .05 TO ,0: CLS : PRINT  PAPER 7;AT 0,0;" Level ";m;"    Word List    Page 2 "
  3020 FOR g=2 TO 21: PRINT  PAPER 4;AT g,0;w$(f): LET f=f+1: NEXT g: FOR g=2 TO 21: PRINT  PAPER 2; INK 7;AT g,11;w$(f): LET f=f+1: NEXT g
  3030 PRINT #0;"                  Press any key ": PAUSE 0: BEEP .05 TO ,0: GO TO 2000
  3510 LET f=block+1: CLS : PRINT  PAPER 7; BRIGHT 1;AT 0,0;"          Magic Words           "
  3520 FOR g=3 TO 17: PRINT  PAPER 4;AT g,4;w$(f): LET f=f+1: NEXT g
  3530 FOR g=3 TO 17: PRINT  PAPER 2; INK 7;AT g,18;w$(f): LET f=f+1: NEXT g
  3550 PRINT #0;"         Press any key         ": PAUSE 0: BEEP .05 TO ,0: GO TO 2000
  4010 CLS 
  4500 PRINT AT 3,0;" R:- RETURN TO MENU          "
  4520 PRINT AT 11,0;" L:- LOAD NEW WORD-LIST     "
  4525 PRINT AT 18,1;"SELECT:  R    S    L "
  4530 IF INKEY$="s" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO TO 4900
  4540 IF INKEY$="l" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,0: GO TO 4800
  4550 IF INKEY$="r" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,20: GO TO 2000
  4560 GO TO 4530
  4805 CLS 
  4820 PRINT AT 3,0;"1. Enter the name of the word-     list you wish to LOAD and       press <ENTER>."
  4830 PRINT AT 7,0;"2. Press any key and load in       new word-list from your         data tape."
  4840 GO SUB 5000
  4845 PRINT AT 21,0,,
  4850 PRINT  PAPER 6;AT 16,0,,;AT 16,0;" Searching for ";v$;" on tape.";AT 17,0;" If no word-list of this name    is found then press <BREAK>     and re-load.                   "
  4870 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM : LOAD v$ DATA w$()
  4875 IF w$(531)="TERMINATED" THEN  PRINT AT 21,0;"   WORD-LIST LOADED CORRECTLY   ": FOR f=1 TO 300: NEXT f: GO TO 2000
  4880 IF w$(531)<>"TERMINATED" THEN  PRINT AT 21,0;" ERROR: LOAD IN WORD-LIST AGAIN ": FOR f=1 TO 300: NEXT f: GO TO 4800
  4901 IF w$(531)="TERMINATED" THEN  GO TO 4930
  4915 FOR f=1 TO 300: NEXT f
  4925 GO TO 2000
  4940 PRINT AT 3,0;"1. Your word-list must be saved    to tape, so insert blank tape   into cassette and set up for    recording."
  4945 PRINT AT 8,0;"2. Enter the name you wish this    word-list to be called and      press <ENTER>."
  4948 PRINT AT 12,0;"3. Press any key and save your     new word-list to tape."
  4950 PRINT AT 15,0;"4. Make a note of your new word-   list's name and use this tape   in conjunction with             Henrietta's Book of Spells."
  4960 GO SUB 5000
  4990 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM : SAVE v$ DATA w$()
  4995 PRINT AT 20,0;"  Word-list now SAVED & may be       used in future games.      "
  4996 FOR f=1 TO 300: NEXT f: GO TO 2000
  5010 LET h$=""
  5020 LET aa=7
  5030 PRINT AT 21,0;" Name of word-list:  "
  5040 FOR f=1 TO aa: LET h$=h$+"-": NEXT f
  5050 LET v$="": PRINT AT 21,22;h$
  5060 LET i$=INKEY$: IF i$="" THEN  GO TO 5060
  5070 IF i$=CHR$ 13 THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,0: RETURN 
  5080 IF i$=CHR$ 12 THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,-10: GO TO 5050
  5090 IF CODE i$<32 OR CODE i$>122 THEN  GO TO 5060
  5100 IF LEN v$<aa THEN  LET v$=v$+i$: PRINT AT 21,22;v$: BEEP .05 TO ,10: FOR f=1 TO 10: NEXT f
  5110 GO TO 5060
  5510 LET m=m+1: IF m=7 THEN  LET m=1
  5530 LET ct=1: LET block=(m-1)*100
  5540 GO TO 2005
  6005 LET stage=6200: PRINT AT 21,0;" 0=Quit  "; PAPER 7;w$(block+ct);" to:"
  6010 LET h$="": IF m=6 THEN  LET aa=5: GO TO 6040
  6020 LET aa=m+4
  6040 FOR f=1 TO aa: LET h$=h$+"-": NEXT f
  6050 LET k$="": PRINT AT 21,23;h$
  6060 LET i$=INKEY$: IF i$="" THEN  GO TO 6060
  6070 IF i$=CHR$ 13 AND LEN k$=aa THEN  GO TO stage
  6080 IF i$=CHR$ 12 THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,-10: GO TO 6050
  6085 IF i$="0" THEN  BEEP .05 TO ,-20: GO TO stage
  6090 IF CODE i$<97 OR CODE i$>122 THEN  GO TO 6060
  6100 IF LEN k$<aa THEN  LET k$=k$+i$: PRINT AT 21,23;k$: BEEP .05 TO ,10: FOR f=1 TO 10: NEXT f
  6110 GO TO 6060
  6200 IF i$="0" THEN  GO TO 2000
  6210 BEEP .05 TO ,0: LET w$(block+ct)=k$: GO TO 2000
  7003 IF m=6 THEN  LET set=30
  7007 IF m<6 THEN  LET set=100
  7010 LET ct=1: GO SUB 2500
  7050 LET stage=7100: LET t=1
  7055 FOR e=block+1 TO block+set
  7070 PRINT AT 21,0;" 0=Quit  "; PAPER 7;w$(e);" to:"
  7075 GO TO 6010
  7100 IF i$="0" THEN  GO TO 2000
  7110 BEEP .05 TO ,0: LET w$(e)=k$: LET t=t+1
  7115 LET ct=ct+1: GO SUB 2500
  7120 NEXT e: LET ct=1
  7130 GO TO 2000
  8010 CLS 
  8020 PRINT AT 0,0;"   HENRIETTA's BOOK of SPELLS   "
  8030 PRINT AT 2,0;"        WORD-LIST EDITOR        "
  8040 PRINT AT 4,0;"This program will allow you to  change some, or all of the wordsused in Book of Spells."
  8050 PRINT AT 8,0;"When complete, you can then savethe word-list to tape and use   the new words by loading them   into future games of Henrietta'sBook of Spells."
  8060 PRINT AT 14,0;"For ease of use, you are advisedto keep all word-lists on a     separate tape."
  8065 PRINT AT 18,0;"Select options from 1 to 8 and  follow any on-screen prompts."
  8070 PRINT AT 21,9;" Press any key "
  8080 FOR f=1 TO 10: NEXT f
  8085 IF INKEY$="" THEN  GO TO 8085
  8090 BEEP .05 TO ,10: GO TO 2000
  8999 STOP 
  58624RND RESTORE m[T] POKE [S]loc FOR  NEW  PRINT  CLOSE # BORDER  TO t LLIST  POKE & RETURN  COPY M [R] LLIST PkCOS tag RESTORE 8COS e POKE  BEEP NOT arrow     apron     alley     apple     alarm     ankle     amber     bully     brush     brick     block     beach     broom     break     cruel     chair     crown     cabin     chest     chalk     cloud     drown     drive     daisy     dream     dance     drink     dress     earth     elbow     empty     enjoy     frost     flour     field     flame     fence     fight     fruit     grape     gravy     glass     glove     group     heart     hurry     happy     heavy     honey     house     jelly     knife     knock     lemon     light     large     laugh     magic     match     metal     money     mouth     music     nurse     noise     punch     paint     plane     party     penny     prize     paste     quick     robot     round     river     ruler     salad     sword     spade     scarf     shake     shape     sleep     slate     taste     train     table     thick     thumb     truck     uncle     verse     wrist     waste     watch     water     wheel     young     zebra     advice    afraid    amount    animal    badger    ballet    beauty    belong    cactus    camera    centre    colour    defeat    danger    decide    digest    edible    effort    either    employ    famine    family    female    friend    garden    gentle    garage    gossip    hollow    handle    health    honest    icicle    import    insect    injury    jacket    jungle    jumble    junior    kennel    kettle    knight    kitten    lawyer    length    lesson    listen    muscle    magnet    manage    meadow    middle    nimble    narrow    nature    needle    notice    object    occupy    office    orange    puzzle    parade    pencil    phrase    picnic    quaint    quarry    quench    quaver    rodent    ramble    reason    rotate    rumour    system    salmon    school    search    signal    tunnel    tablet    tennis    throat    toilet    umpire    unique    urgent    useful    vacant    vacuum    vanish    vapour    walnut    warren    weapon    winter    yellow    zodiac    academy   address   average   apology   arrange   balcony   bicycle   between   bonfire   buffalo   cabinet   cabbage   canteen   caravan   collect   deliver   diagram   diamond   dungeon   drought   dentist   fashion   feature   forward   furnish   general   garbage   gallery   genuine   garment   husband   harvest   hostage   hammock   isolate   invalid   include   jealous   journey   justice   knuckle   kitchen   lantern   library   luggage   leisure   leather   measles   mermaid   message   measure   majesty   novelty   nursery   naughty   neglect   nourish   observe   officer   orchard   opinion   pendant   prepare   padlock   plumber   poverty   passage   quarrel   quarter   quality   reflect   romance   release   routine   regular   session   sheriff   skipper   segment   shallow   soldier   surgery   tremble   trigger   tantrum   theatre   tragedy   thunder   uniform   vinegar   valiant   variety   verdict   victory   without   weather   whisper   whistle   whimper   yoghurt   affluent  announce  asteroid  approach  audition  antelope  bracelet  barbecue  brochure  bachelor  boundary  business  currency  carousel  carriage  charcoal  collapse  carnival  dominate  delicate  dynamite  dissolve  domestic  dandruff  enormous  exchange  epilogue  elephant  electric  familiar  fraction  function  flattery  fortress  garrison  graphite  gruesome  gorgeous  generous  hesitate  hospital  heptagon  hedgehog  inspired  ignorant  illusion  infinite  junction  juvenile  jeopardy  kangaroo  lavender  lollipop  language  literate  location  luscious  mountain  material  marzipan  multiply  migraine  national  nitrogen  nuisance  occasion  omelette  operator  organism  persuade  platform  peculiar  physical  parallel  question  relation  ridicule  reckless  register  receiver  reindeer  squirrel  sabotage  shepherd  scramble  tentacle  toboggan  trousers  transfer  thorough  umbrella  ultimate  universe  violence  vicinity  volatile  vacation  wardrobe  withdraw  wishbone  auxiliary advantage aeroplane architect asparagus butterfly barometer barricade beautiful behaviour culminate captivate celebrate champagne coastline duplicate deficient delicious dimension dormitory eccentric education efficient equipment favourite flammable frequency furniture gymnastic gentleman generator geography gratitude harmonica hibernate holocaust hydraulic identical illogical incentive indignant jewellery knowledge librarian limousine liquorice lifeguard lubricate machinery magnitude moustache manoeuvre margarine moonlight municipal negotiate narrative necessity neighbour nocturnal nostalgia obedience obnoxious officiate orchestra punctuate publicity permanent parachute paragraph penetrate prosecute quotation retaliate reservoir rebellion recipient redundant reinforce religious speculate sacrifice sanctuary satirical satellite sensitive tarantula tarpaulin technique telegraph turquoise upholster vaccinate valentine vegetable venerable vengeance voluntary wonderful xylophone whale     shark     eagle     horse     zebra     skunk     camel     koala     panda     otter     mouse     tiger     hyena     snail     sheep     moose     robin     raven     chick     corgi     flies     cobra     bison     goose     llama     adder     stork     heron     sloth     snake     TERMINATEDVKpermanentHI