Name of the program: | NextBASIC Inline Assembler |
Project website: | Purchase |
Categories: | |
Supported languages: | English |
Legal status: | In sales |
Authors: | taylorza (Coding, Release) |
Publication year: | 2024 |
Rating: | 4.00 |
Uploaded by: | Xela, 19.02.2024 12:21 |
ASM is a .dot command that enables you to write inline assembly code in your NextBASIC application. When you invoke ASM, it scans the code for assembly instructions after the ';' symbol and assembles them into memory. You can then execute the assembled code as any machine code routine that you loaded or poked into memory.
To set up the assembler, you need to copy the 'ASM' file into the "dot" folder in the root of your ZX Spectrum Next SD card. That's all you need to do to get started.
To test the assembler, enter the following program in the NextBASIC editor. NOTE: You must have at least one space after the ';' symbol in lines 30-50. This is explained in more detail later.
10 CLEAR $bff0 : REM Reserve memory for our machine code
20 .asm
30 ; org $c000
40 ; ld bc, 42
50 ; ret
60 PRINT "BC="; USR ($c000)
Run the program and you should see BC=42 printed on the screen. You can change the value in line 40 to something else and run the program again to see the output change.
Version History
v0.6 - 2024/5/31
- improved parsing of DB/DW pseudo ops
- support for generating NEX files
- BANK accepts an additional argument to indicate if the bank should be cleared before assembling into it
- Added left shift '<<' and right shift '>>' operators
v0.5g - 2024/05/10
- Added support for anonymous labels
- Added support for multiple instructions per line using ':' separator
v0.5f - 2024/04/21
- Added support for label offsets to make self modifying code easier
- Code optimization
- Moved expression evaluator out of the DOT Command address space
v0.5e - 2024/03/24
- FIXED: Assembler does not error on loading registers other than 'A' with the content of a register pair (Simon N. Goodwin)
- Labels maxlength increased from 11 to 15
- Support scoped labels using '.' prefix to define a scoped label. Total length of scope and local name including the '.' must not exceed 15
v0.5d - 2024/02/25
- Fixed a bug with the support for integer variables (
v0.5c - 2024/02/11
- Added not-equal '<>' operator (Simon N. Goodwin)
- FIXED: Labels not excluded from conditional assembly (Simon N. Goodwin)
- FIXED: ALIGN error if the adjustment is only 1 byte
- Report error when a symbol value changes between passes (Simon N. Goodwin)
- Improved error reporting
v0.5b - Not released
- FIXED: Pseudo-ops not excluded from conditional assembly (Simon N. Goodwin)
v0.5a - 2024/01/28
- Fixed error reporting with nested IF
v0.5 - 2024/01/28
- New pseudo-ops to support generating relocations for drivers
-- RELOC_START/RELOC_END mark the start and end of a relocatable code section
-- RELOC_TABLE emits the relocation table
-- RELOC_COUNT returns the number of relocations that have been generated
- Conditional assembly
-- IF/ELSE/ENDIF nested up to seven levels deep
- Plenty of little bug fixes
v0.4d - 2024/01/21
- New pseudo-ops
-- NBRK trigger hardware breakpoint, short for nextreg 2,8
-- ALIGN align code/data to the specified byte boundary
- New bitwise operators
-- & bitwise AND
-- | bitwise OR
- Optimizations
-- 16 bit multiplier using hardware optimizations from Ped7g
v0.4c - 2024/01/14
- Fixed issue with LD (lbl), r/rp that was introduced with v0.4
v0.4b - 2024/01/14
- Fixed issue with z80n instructions not expecting a comment on the line
v0.4 - 2024/01/14
NOTE: This release contains a breaking change regarding hex and binary numbers
- Dropped the suffix notation for hex and binary numbers
-- $ prefix for hex
-- % or @ prefix for binary
- Added support for getting and setting BASIC integer variable during assembly
-- LD b, %a ; Get the value of the BASIC integer variable at time of assembly
-- LET %a = sym ; Assign the value of 'sym' to the BASIC integer variable %a
- Moved symbols to dedicated banks so now you can have many more symbols in your code
- Refactored parser to reduce size and improve error handling
- Fixed many bugs :)
v0.3b - 2024/01/06
- Relaxed the requirement to have a space after an OP-code when the next character is clearly not part of the name
- Improved DS, now fills memory/file with 0s
-- Fixed parsing of IN A, (C)
-- Fixed expression error message for operators other than +/- prefixing the expression
v0.3a - 2023/12/31
- Fixed expressions for LD r, nn class ops
v0.3 - 2023/12/31
- Code size optimizations
- Added support for 'OUTPUT' directive/psuedo-op which allows the assembled code to be directed to
a file rather than directly to memory
v0.2 - 2023/12/27
- Fixed parsing issue that allowed spaces between the characters of HL, IX, IY
- Support specifying the target bank for the generated code
BANK n[,o] where 'n' is the target bank number and 'o' an optional offset into
the bank. When a bank is specified the ORG address is used for address
calculations. Typicall this should remain at the default of $c000
- Support assembling code that has been banked using 'BANK... LINE...'
v0.1 - 12/25/2023 Christmas Edition
- Initial public release
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Votes history
Nickname | Votes | Date |
emook | 5 | 27.02.2024 23:02 |
creator | 5 | 19.02.2024 14:42 |