This is a tool for optimizing and maping screen for best possible compression, also for making so called MAD screen.
Compression method is used from BUSYSOFT's Turbo Imploder.
Use Spectrum cursor keys to navigate menus: SHIFT + 5678 and ENTER or RIGHT (SHIFT + 8) to select.
Where RIGHT ARROW is on menu item use SHIFT + 8 or kempston mouse 2 button or ENTER or kempston 1 mouse button.
1 - For standard header screen load 16384,6912 flag 255.
2 - For standard headerless screen load 16384,6912 flag 255.
3 - For 'MAD' (square) screen load (no turbo option).
Turbo Turn on standard turbo speed loader for header or headerless.
Use SHIFT + T to turn on super fast turbo loader and try to load any turbo loading screen.
ROM Turn on ROM loader, standar loading speed of course.
NoError Load screen with any header and size but without error detection.
C - Set controll on screen maipulation, kempston mouse full support.
M - Manipulate screen menu, screen must be loaded first.
K - Redefine keyboard keys controll.
I - Read instructions.
Shortcut keys:
Shift+0 Undo MAD (square) screen set point.
Shift+1 Open menu.
Shift+2 Lock / unlock MAD (square) screen make.
Shift+4 Toggle show attributes.
SymSh+D Delete pixel square.
SymSh+E Exit to main menu.
Shift+I Optimize + map screen and implode (compress screen) and save it with demap and decompress routine.
Ss+Sh+P Optimize screen, removes pixels where INK = PAPER, set PAPER = INK on blank pixel square and other optimization.
SymSh+S Save changes.
Ss+Sh+Z Undo save changes (works 1 step).
Also read instructions on main menu. For any question fell free to write to chixus@gmail.com
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Votes history
Nickname | Votes | Date |
creator | 5 | 22.04.2024 18:46 |