The Lone Mech

The Lone Mech
The Lone Mech
The Lone Mech
The Lone Mech inspiration

Based on original artwork by Brian Lindahl. Rather than an exact match, I tried to create depth by adding foliage (bright green in the foreground and dark green on the fallen tree trunk). The lone mech is wandering through a murky swamp. either lost, or seeking out the enemy.

Название: The Lone Mech
Автор: Andy Green
Формат: Стандартный 6912
Палитра: sRGB
Год: 2019
Имя файла при закачке: The Lone Mech.scr
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Теги: Дерево, Лес, Листва, Луч, Ночь, Робот, Свет, Фонарь
Просмотры: 200
Добавил: Andy Green, 18.04.2019 17:46
moroz1999 20.04.2019 23:37
The robot gets a bit lost on a background and is somewhy darker than the water which was almost the same bright in original work.

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