Sea Tribe (full)

Sea Tribe (full)
Sea Tribe (full)
Sea Tribe (full)
Sea Tribe (full) inspiration

Inspired by: [url=]2376[/url]
Related to: [url=]19789[/url]
Inspired by:
Just a copy of amazing dolphins from Made&Traven's picture. Started, but not finished in 2000. Version with "torn" background was used in z80#6 because i was bored of background pixelling.

Background finished exclusively for ArtCity release at 10sep2010 using grafx2win and promotion.

Название: Sea Tribe (full)
Автор: diver
Формат: Стандартный 6912
Палитра: sRGB
Год: 2010
Имя файла при закачке: Sea Tribe.scr
Скачать diver+-+Sea+Tribe+%28full%29+%282010%29.scrОригинальный файл
СкачатьСкачать для PC 2X 3X 4X
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Теги: Excess Deluxe Paint, Grafx2, Promotion, Вода, Группа, Дельфин, Животное, Море, Небо, Неопубликованное, Подводный, Солнце
Просмотры: 949
Добавил: diver, 09.03.2014 16:03

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Free_Wind 5 27.05.2021 02:44
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