'Project: Stowaway'

'Project: Stowaway'
'Project: Stowaway'
'Project: Stowaway'

Way back in the 1990s, I worked on the Spectrum conversion of Reckless Rufus for Alternative Software and, ever since, I've wanted to do a version for the SAM Coupé.

While my earliest attempts at designing graphics for a conversion used recoloured versions of my original Spectrum assets, I got talking to a coder a few years ago about actually making a SAM version happen, so I went back to the original C64 assets as the basis for reworking everything. The palette here is the closest the SAM can come to the C64's palette (minus the brown), and the scoreboard is essentially copied, albeit scaled to fit the smaller (256x192 pixel) screen size.

The platform tiles were designed to take advantage of the SAM's non-square pixels when output via RF - they look virtually square - but they actually work pretty well at 1:1 as well.

These are all early drafts - 'project: Stowaway' has continued - with the blessings of Mike Berry, who created the original C64 game - but is currently stalled.

Название: 'Project: Stowaway'
Автор: HEXdidn't...
Формат: Sam Coupe mode4
Палитра: sRGB
Год: 2019
Имя файла при закачке: simc0033.ss4
Скачать HEXdidn%26%23039%3Bt...+-+%27Project+Stowaway%27+%282019%29.ss4Оригинальный файл
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Теги: C64, Sam Coupe, Игра, Конверсия
Просмотры: 82
Добавил: HEXdidn't..., 02.09.2023 12:43

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Никнейм Голоса Дата
Rodrigo yeowtch 5 25.10.2023 06:13
tiboh 4 14.09.2023 15:19
Grongy 3 03.09.2023 12:41
creator 5 03.09.2023 01:20
moroz1999 4 02.09.2023 13:53