Westen House - SAM Coupé conversion #2

Westen House - SAM Coupé conversion #2
Westen House - SAM Coupé conversion #2
Westen House - SAM Coupé conversion #2

The coder for The Lower Caverns decided he'd like to have a go at converting Westen House, the 2021 MSX1 game by Santiago Ontañón Villar, to the SAM Coupé, and asked if I'd like to update the graphics. Santiago has kindly given the project his blessing, and it's great to have the opportunity to help bring such a cool homebrew game to the SAM.  

The individual components were created in Aseprite, and then brought together in Photoshop before porting them over to the SAM via SCADM.  

Westen House SAM is still a long way off, as the coder has only recently started experimenting with compiling the original code for the SAM, and some tweaking will be necessary.  

Technically, we could have simply used MODE 2 and used the existing assets but, where the MSX can overlay sprites in clever ways, the SAM cannot, and so the game would end up with (slight) attribute clash. Instead, we're going full-on MODE 4, and this mockup was created using my first draft background material and second draft of the player sprite.

Название: Westen House - SAM Coupé conversion #2
Автор: HEXdidn't...
Формат: Sam Coupe mode4
Палитра: sRGB
Год: 2024
Имя файла при закачке: simc0795.ssx
Скачать HEXdidn%26%23039%3Bt...+-+Westen+House+-+SAM+Coup%C3%A9+conversion+%232+%282024%29.ss4Оригинальный файл
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Теги: Msx, Sam Coupe, Westen House, Игра, Конверсия
Просмотры: 126
Добавил: HEXdidn't..., 03.06.2024 21:32

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tiboh 4 05.06.2024 18:37
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