Tiles set

Tiles set
Tiles set
Tiles set

"some tiles and sprites

Wreck it Ralph, what a great movie. The arcade game that
they came up with was spot on for the 80's. So I wondered
what would the home conversions have looked like? From
my thread on WoSf what surprised me the most is how
close my graphics came to Steve Day's for the c64 and the
cpc (which were completely independent). Just goes to
show what great material it is for an 8bit version."

Название: Tiles set
Автор: Jarrod Bentley
Формат: Стандартный 6912
Палитра: sRGB
Имя файла при закачке: tiles set.scr
Скачать Jarrod+Bentley+-+Tiles+set.scrОригинальный файл
СкачатьСкачать для PC 2X 3X 4X
СкачатьСкачать для печати (A4 300dpi)
Теги: Wreck It Ralph (Movie), Тайлы
Просмотры: 580
Добавил: diver, 16.09.2013 16:23

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