Scraper Caper

Scraper Caper
Scraper Caper
Scraper Caper
Scraper Caper inspiration

Sadly unreleased sequel to Miner 2049er. But luckily some brilliant box and preview artwork by Scott Ross was commissioned for it. ZX image combines the two to fit the perspective with different elements from each.

Название: Scraper Caper
Автор: MCH
Формат: Стандартный 6912
Палитра: sRGB
Год: 2020
Имя файла при закачке: scraper_caper_mch_zxartfinal.scr
Скачать MCH+-+Scraper+Caper+%282020%29.scrОригинальный файл
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Теги: Bounty Bob, Buildings, Donkey, Fire Hose, Fireman Bob, Mountains, Mule, Platform, Yukon Yohan, Небоскреб, Собака
Просмотры: 196
Добавил: mch, 31.07.2020 01:49
moroz1999 31.07.2020 15:47
This is really good.
mch 31.07.2020 18:45
Thanks very much. It takes a lot longer doing screens of other peoples work, but I've always loved the artwork for this so it had to be done.
Ersh 01.08.2020 22:35
Great composition! Lots of clever details here and I love the way you did the hills. :)
mch 01.08.2020 22:39
Thanks Ersh!

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