Oh, dreadful angel of mine

Oh, dreadful angel of mine
Oh, dreadful angel of mine
Oh, dreadful angel of mine

Author: moroz1999
Title: Oh, dreadful angel of mine
Compo: AFMC December 2016
Original: Cover art of Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions. 
P.S. title is inspired by "Insight And Catharsis" song from the same album:
"Oh, dreadful angel of mine
Enrich me with the vastness of being
Rigid father, teach me to comprehend
I'll commit myself to understand
To be faithful and the instrument
So that the ones with blindfold can see what I have seen
That there is nothing in-between
For I am the accomplice..."

Название: Oh, dreadful angel of mine
Автор: moroz1999
Формат: Стандартный 6912
Палитра: sRGB
Пати: AFMC December 2016 / January 2017 (Вне конкурса / Дисквалифицировано)
Год: 2017
Имя файла при закачке: Oh, dreadful angel of mine.C
Скачать moroz1999+-+Oh%2C+dreadful+angel+of+mine+%282017%29+%28AFMC+December+2016+-+January+2017%29.scrОригинальный файл
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Теги: Flame, Tied, Wings, Woman, Ангел, Копия, Крест, Логотип, Повязка, Цепь
Просмотры: 443
Добавил: moroz1999, 31.01.2017 11:18
DeadDog 21.02.2019 15:10
Appreciate animation of stages, usefull.
moroz1999 21.02.2019 15:20
Thanks! You can find all the works having stages using detailed search:

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