The Hobbit

The Hobbit
The Hobbit
The Hobbit
The Hobbit inspiration
Название: The Hobbit
Автор: Neil Parsons
Формат: Стандартный 6912
Палитра: sRGB
Название релиза: The Hobbit
Год: 2013
Имя файла при закачке: hobbit.scr
Скачать Neil+Parsons+-+The+Hobbit+%282013%29.scrОригинальный файл
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СкачатьСкачать для печати (A4 300dpi)
Теги: Горы, Игровая графика, Надпись
Просмотры: 276
Добавил: Xela, 17.03.2024 18:46
NeilParsons 16.08.2024 23:28
I didn't remember making this screen... but it couldn't be possible in 1982...
alx 17.08.2024 02:08
Hi. This looks pretty cool for the early 80's.
Xela 20.08.2024 01:13
This picture was taken from one of the disks from this collection ( But since you say that you are not the author of the image, I guess we should change the author to Unknown.
The year is automatically picked up from the year of creation of the game itself.
NeilParsons 17.10.2024 15:07
Oh... that's it! :D I thought I kept this screen before, but I didn't. Thank you Xela!
NeilParsons 17.10.2024 15:23
As my disk collection was made in 2013, so year of release of this pict of mine could be changed to that.

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История голосования

Никнейм Голоса Дата
Kaminari 5 18.08.2024 18:35
alx 5 17.08.2024 02:03
tiboh 4 30.03.2024 18:06
WattTack 5 27.03.2024 16:50
creator 5 18.03.2024 04:41
UriS 5 17.03.2024 23:42