Super 48K Box

Super 48K Box
Super 48K Box
Super 48K Box

An early screenshot from a demake of SCB - plays remarkably like the original, can't wait to unleash it.
Written in Arcade Game Designer.

Название: Super 48K Box
Автор: Van-B
Формат: Стандартный 6912
Палитра: sRGB
Имя файла при закачке: super48kbox.scr
Скачать Van-B+-+Super+48K+Box.scrОригинальный файл
СкачатьСкачать для PC 2X 3X 4X
СкачатьСкачать для печати (A4 300dpi)
Просмотры: 1295
Добавил: Van-B, 17.04.2015 13:26
diver 17.04.2015 19:39
Van-B, looks cool! Just like an original one!
Van-B 22.04.2015 15:30
Progress is going well... big dudes are in, 5 weapons, some better weapon effects. Still to do the other levels and add those floaty skull enemies.
Should be able to release in a couple of weeks if all goes well.

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creator 5 11.10.2019 18:50
Alessandro Grussu 1 07.12.2015 15:12
Dimidrol 4 22.05.2015 08:01
Ricardo 5 12.05.2015 11:54
tiboh 4 18.04.2015 02:44
diver 5 17.04.2015 19:38
moroz1999 5 17.04.2015 14:05