Empire Strikes Back Level 1.1 Mockup

Empire Strikes Back Level 1.1 Mockup
Empire Strikes Back Level 1.1 Mockup
Empire Strikes Back Level 1.1 Mockup

In the first half of 2023, I was challenged to design a unique ZX Spectrum game based upon the Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back. The idea was to create something that showed more of the movie, more faithfully than either the old Atari arcade game or the more recent - but still retro - games for the 8-bit and 16-bit consoles from Sega and Nintendo.

This is my concept for the first phase of Level 1, set on Hoth. Luke is patrolling on his Tauntaun, and picks up a series of unidentified and unexpected signals... He goes to investigate and finds probes despatched by the Empire, which he then has to destroy. The end of level boss would be a Wampa.

Phase 2 would follow Han, again riding a Tauntaun, but out searching for Luke... possibly against a time limit, and probably without an end of level boss.

Título: Empire Strikes Back Level 1.1 Mockup
Autor: HEXdidn't...
Formato: Estándar 6912
Paleta: sRGB
Año: 2023
Nombre de archivo original: ESB Level 1-1.scr
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Etiquetas: Empire Strikes Back, Game Design Mockup, Star Wars
Vistas: 200
Añadido por: HEXdidn't..., 30.07.2023 22:29
Art-top 08.08.2023 22:17
The new version of the mocap can be uploaded to the sai over the old one.
Art-top 08.08.2023 22:36
Sorry, typo in translation :)

"The new version of the mocap can be uploaded to the site over the old one."

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