Autor: Kevin McGrorty

Grupo: Monster's Legs Productions
Ubicación: Reino Unido
Enlaces: Página en Spectrum ComputingPágina en Spectrum Computing
Paleta: sRGB
Calificación del artista: 5.91

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Keezees 25.09.2024 20:35
Updating some of the credits to my name: as well as Savage Princess 2, I (Kevin McGrorty) am responsible for making everything under the name "Monster's Legs Productions", including Savage Princess 1, In The Walls of Eryx, and The Wicker Woman (as well as the demos of Jimbo and New Zealand Story), so they should probably be under "Releases Author"? Monster's Legs Productions is just my company name. And all games that I have made and released can be downloaded for free on my itchio at, so I don't know if it's worth adding that as a link for downloading.

I also recently created the cover art for Knightmare (2024).

And I was responsible for the cover art for Zen (2014), but NOT for Zen II (2015), so I don't deserve the latter credit.
moroz1999 26.09.2024 19:35
Thanks for the corrections! I've made whatever is currently possible.
Keezees 04.10.2024 17:23
No problem! I've also remembered a few other games that I created cover art for; Future Looter, Forest Raider Cherry, Deep Core Raider, The Road to Dojo, Journey's End 2, Toofy in Fanland, Neptune Lander, Code Zero, Space Disposal, and the big fold-out map for Balachor's Revenge.

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