Shepherd's truecolor swings

Shepherd's truecolor swings
Shepherd's truecolor swings
Shepherd's truecolor swings
Shepherd's truecolor swings inspiration

2 place - Arok 2008.
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Título: Shepherd's truecolor swings
Autor: riskej
Formato: Gigascreen
Paleta: sRGB
Parte: Arok 2008 (2, Compuesto gráfico general)
Año: 2008
Nombre de archivo original: Shepherd's truecolor swings.img
Descargar riskej+-+Shepherd%27s+truecolor+swings+%282008%29+%28Arok+2008%2C+2%29.imgArchivo Original
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Etiquetas: Desert, La montaña, Macho, Mano, Patineta
Vistas: 1807
Página en Artcity:
Añadido por: moroz1999, 24.06.2010 22:11
davidguaita 19.12.2014 06:47
Sorry, but I think this is not a real spectrum image. Maybe I am wrong, but the colours in the face of the character don't seem to match the spectrum colour palette.
moroz1999 19.12.2014 07:34
David, there are plenty of ZX Spectrum-related formats on this site. It is true that this image is not a classic 6912 screen. In fact, this is composed from two flickering standard screens:
So, when they flicker this way on TV, this colors look like "extendended" palette. This software effect is called Gigascreen, and it can be combined with some other software effects like Multicolor.
Additionally to these, there are some few images from ZX Spectrum clones having advanced graphics capabilities, like Timex, Sam Coupe or ZX Evolution.
You can take a look at "format" field on every image to see what format was it done in.
sq 19.12.2014 10:26
David, in another words, assuming that moroz said, you are right.

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