
Warlord inspiration
Warlord another inspiration

comment by zx-fan:…. (year 1995). Warrior in the middle  original picture by J.Kirby; background  and spears by Ian Miller;  head on the right by  Allan Curless.

Statement by  zx-fan: “I am not author of any of those screens!  I am just zx-fan recovering spectrum graphics from old tapes.” 

True author of all screens = “joe zx”  .

Screens are from period of years: 1992-1996. All posted screens were hand made (drawn) on the real  ZX-Spectrum 48kb + cassette tape recorder + graphics editor: Art studio.

Título: Warlord
Autor: zx-fan
Formato: Estándar 6912
Paleta: sRGB
Año: 1995
Nombre de archivo original: Warlord.scr
Descargar zx-fan+-+Warlord+%281995%29.scrArchivo Original
DescargarDescargar para PC 2X 3X 4X
DescargarDescargar para imprimir (A4 300ppp)
Etiquetas: Battleaxe, Bien, Blanco&Negro, Guerrero, J.kirby, La fantasía, Lanza
Vistas: 105
Añadido por: zx-fan, 22.02.2019 15:37

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