Next Fractal Explorer: zm.txt

Es parte de la publicación: Next Fractal Explorer
Tamaño del archivo: 10980
md5: 6c795ecabec0270685e7370670a7abf8
#program zm
   1 REM This file - zm.bas - is part of Next Fractal Explorer
   2 REM Next Fractal Explorer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   3 REM 
   4 REM This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
   5 REM 
   6 REM You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
   7 REM 
   8 REM  to convert this to banked code LOAD zm.bas and then
   9 REM BANK NEW tmpbnk: BANK tmpbnk LINE 1,9999: SAVE "zmbanked.bas" BANK tmpbnk: BANK tmpbnk CLEAR
  10 DEFPROC ConfirmPlot(cpxmin,cpxmax,cpymin,cpymax,cpps,cpiters,cpsavefn$)
  20 REM Use a text window to confirm the details of a new plot
  30 REM and also allows the user to set the the plot size, number of iterations and filename
  40 BANK uibnk PROC NewTextWin(6,2,3,20,26,5,1,1,1,6)
  50 PRINT #6; AT 1,12; INK 7;"* Plot Details *"
  60 PROC FormatFloat$(cpxmin,8) TO xmin$: PROC FormatFloat$(cpxmax,8) TO xmax$: PROC FormatFloat$(cpymin,8) TO ymin$:  PROC FormatFloat$(cpymax,8) TO ymax$
  70 PRINT #6; AT 3,1; INK 6;  " Left       : "; xmin$
  80 PRINT #6; AT 4,1; INK 6;  " Right      : "; xmax$
  90 PRINT #6; AT 5,1; INK 6;  " Top        : "; ymin$
 100 PRINT #6; AT 6,1; INK 6;  " Bottom     : "; ymax$
 110 @cploop:
 120 PRINT #6; AT 8,1; INK 10; " Plot size  : "; plotsizes(cpps,1);" x ";plotsizes(cpps,2);"  "
 130 PRINT #6; AT 9,1; INK 10; " Iterations : "; cpiters;"   "
 140 PRINT #6; AT 10,1; INK 10; " Filename   : ";cpsavefn$;"        "
 150 newfn$=cpsavefn$
 160 PRINT #6; AT 12,0; INK 7; " ----------------------------------------"
 170 PRINT #6; AT 14,1; INK 4; " E          : Set min/max values by hand"
 180 PRINT #6; AT 15,1; INK 4; " p          : Set plot size"
 190 PRINT #6; AT 16,1; INK 4; " F          : Set Filename"
 200 PRINT #6; AT 17,1; INK 4; " S          : Save values & begin plot"
 210 PRINT #6; AT 18,1; INK 4; " C          : Cancel changes"
 240 IF kp$ ="p" OR kp$ ="P":
 250   ON cpps: cpps=cpps: cpps=2: cpps=1
 260 ENDIF 
 270 IF kp$ ="e" OR kp$ = "E":
 280 REPEAT 
 290    PRINT #6; INK 6; AT 3,15;"             "; AT 3,15;: INPUT #6; cpxmin 
 300    PRINT #6; INK 6; AT 4,15;"             "; AT 4,15;: INPUT #6; cpxmax 
 310    WHILE cpxmin>=cpxmax
 320      BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
 330 REPEAT UNTIL cpxmin<cpxmax 
 340 REPEAT 
 350    PRINT #6; INK 6; AT 5,15;"             "; AT 5,15;: INPUT #6; cpymin 
 360    PRINT #6; INK 6; AT 6,15;"             "; AT 6,15;: INPUT #6; cpymax 
 370    WHILE cpymin>=cpymax
 380      BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
 390 REPEAT UNTIL cpymin<cpymax
 400 ENDIF 
 410 IF kp$="F" OR kp$="f"
 420 REPEAT 
 430    PRINT #6; AT 10,15;"             "
 440    PRINT #6; AT 10,15;: INPUT #6; newfn$
 450    IF newfn$="" THEN BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
 460 REPEAT UNTIL newfn$<>""
 470  cpsavefn$=newfn$
 480 ENDIF 
 490 IF kp$="s" OR kp$="S":
 510 BANK uibnk PROC ClearL2(0,32)
 520 ENDPROC = 1,cpxmin,cpxmax,cpymin,cpymax,cpps,cpiters,cpsavefn$
 530 ENDIF 
 540 IF kp$="c" OR kp$="C":
 560 ENDPROC = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"cancelled"
 570 ENDIF 
 580 GO TO @cploop
 600 DEFPROC FormatFloat$(fnum,decimals)
 610 REM convert a floating point number to a string with the required number of decimal places, but prepend a "+" to postive numbers.
 620 fn$ = STR$ (fnum,10,decimals)
 630 IF fnum>=0 THEN fn$="+"+fn$
 640 ENDPROC =fn$
 650 REM How to setup and use selection mode
 670 REM BANK NEW spritebank
 680 REM PROC setupsprites(spritebank)
 700 REM x=0:y=0:s=0
 710 REM PROC SelectionLoop(8,6,1) TO x,y,s
 720 REM 
 730 DEFPROC SetupSprites(sb,clr)
 740 REM clr is the colour of the crosshairs
 760 FOR f=0 TO 511
 770 READ n: BANK sb POKE f,n
 780 NEXT f
 800 REM sprite data
 810 DATA clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr
 820 DATA clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr,clr
 830 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 840 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 850 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 860 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 870 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 880 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 890 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 900 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 910 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 920 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 930 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 940 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 950 DATA clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 960 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 970 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 980 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
 990 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1000 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1010 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1020 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1030 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1040 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,clr,clr,227,227,clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227
1050 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,clr,clr,227,227,clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227
1060 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1070 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,clr,clr,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1080 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1090 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1100 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1110 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1120 DATA 227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227,227
1140 DEFPROC DrawSelection(x,y,size,ps)
1150 REM draw the zoom selection area.
1160 REM x & y are the coordinates of the top left of the area and are in layer 2 coordinates, not sprite layer coordinates
1170 REM adjust coordinates for 256x192 plots
1180 IF ps=1 THEN x+=32:y+=32
1190 SPRITE 0,x,y,0,1
1200 SPRITE 1,x+size*32-16,y,0,9
1210 SPRITE 2,x+size*32/2-8,y+size*24/2-8,1,1 : REM middle one
1220 SPRITE 3,x,y+size*24-16,0,%@101
1230 SPRITE 4,x+size*32-16,y+size*24-16,0,%@1101
1250 REM 
1260 DEFPROC SelectionLoop(tlx,tly,ssize,ps)
1270 LAYER 1,1
1280 PROC FirstRun() TO helpvis
1290 helpshown=helpvis
1320 IF helpshown=0 THEN PROC DrawSelection (tlx,tly,ssize,ps)
1330 REPEAT 
1350 k$= INKEY$ 
1360 IF k$= "h" OR k$="H"
1370  helpvis= 1 - helpvis
1380 IF helpvis=1 
1390    IF helpshown=0 THEN PROC ZoomHelp(): helpshown=1
1400    LAYER OVER 5
1410 ELSE 
1420    LAYER OVER 0
1430 ENDIF 
1440 ENDIF 
1450 IF k$ = "-":
1460 IF ssize<>1:
1470 ssize-=1
1480 ELSE 
1490 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
1500 ENDIF 
1510 ENDIF 
1520 IF k$ ="+" AND ssize<>5:
1530 IF tlx+32*(ssize+1)<=plotsizes(ps,1) AND tly+24*(ssize+1)<=plotsizes(ps,2):
1540 ssize+=1
1550 ELSE 
1560 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
1570 ENDIF 
1580 ENDIF 
1590 IF k$ = CHR$ (9):
1600 IF tlx+(32*ssize)<plotsizes(ps,1)-8:
1610 tlx+=8
1620 ELSE 
1630 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
1640 ENDIF 
1650 ENDIF 
1660 IF k$= CHR$ (8):
1670 IF tlx >7:
1680 tlx-=8
1690 ELSE 
1700 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
1710 ENDIF 
1720 ENDIF 
1730 IF k$ = CHR$ (10):
1740 IF tly+(ssize*24)<plotsizes(ps,2)-6
1750 tly+=6
1760 ELSE 
1770 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
1780 ENDIF 
1790 ENDIF 
1800 IF k$= CHR$ (11):
1810 IF tly>5
1820 tly-=6
1830 ELSE 
1840 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
1850 ENDIF 
1860 ENDIF 
1870 IF k$="5":
1880 IF tlx<>0
1890 tlx-=1
1900 ELSE 
1910 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
1920 ENDIF 
1930 ENDIF 
1940 IF k$="8":
1950 IF tlx+(32*ssize)<plotsizes(ps,1)
1960 tlx+=1
1970 ELSE 
1980 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
1990 ENDIF 
2000 ENDIF 
2010 IF k$="6":
2020 IF tly+(24*ssize)<plotsizes(ps,2)
2030 tly+=1
2040 ELSE 
2050 BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
2060 ENDIF 
2070 ENDIF 
2080 IF k$="7":
2090 IF tly>0
2100    tly-=1
2110 ELSE 
2120    BANK iobnk PROC ErrorBeep()
2130 ENDIF 
2140 ENDIF 
2150 IF k$=" "
2160   REM change colour used by crosshair to random rgb3 value
2170   REG 67, %@0100001: REG 64,zmchcol: REG 68,% RND 255: REG 68,% RND 1 
2180   BANK uibnk PROC SetPalette() : REM reload layer 1 palette
2190 ENDIF 
2200 PROC DrawSelection(tlx,tly,ssize,ps)
2220 REPEAT UNTIL k$="z"
2240 ENDPROC = tlx,tly,ssize
2250 DEFPROC ZoomHelp()
2260 BANK uibnk PROC NewTextWin(6,1,2,22,28,5,1,1,10,1)
2270 PRINT #6; INK 3; AT 0,13;"* Zoom Mode Help *"
2280 PRINT #6; AT 2,1; INK 14; " Cursor keys : Move zoom area (big jump)"
2290 PRINT #6; AT 3,1; INK 14; " 5,6,7,8     : Move zoom area (small jump)"
2300 PRINT #6; AT 4,1; INK 14; " Space       : Change crosshair colour"
2310 PRINT #6; AT 5,1; INK 14; " +           : Increase zoom area"
2320 PRINT #6; AT 6,1; INK 14; " -           : Decrease zoom area"
2330 PRINT #6; AT 7,1; INK 14; " H           : Show/Hide this help"
2340 PRINT #6; AT 8,1; INK 14; " Z           : Exit zoom mode and"
2350 PRINT #6; AT 9,1; INK 14; "               confirm new plot"
2360 PRINT #6; AT 11,1; INK 1; " Handy tip: On the confirmation screen you"
2370 PRINT #6; AT 12,1; INK 1; " can manually input the plot coordinates"
2380 PRINT #6; AT 13,1; INK 1; " by pressing E."
2390 PRINT #6; AT 15,1; INK 1; " So, you can use an online plotter such as"
2400 PRINT #6; AT 16,1; INK 3; ""
2410 PRINT #6; AT 17,1; INK 1; " on a 'modern' computing device to quickly"
2420 PRINT #6; AT 18,1; INK 1; " find an interesting area, and then enter"
2430 PRINT #6; AT 19,1; INK 1; " the coordinates of it in NFE to see it"
2440 PRINT #6; AT 20,1; INK 1; " plotted in magnificent 8-bit glory!"
2460 DEFPROC FirstRun()
2470 REM if this is the first time using zoom mode, show zoom help
2480 REM returns 1 is zoomhelp is being shown, 0 otherwise
2490 ON ERROR PROC ZoomHelp(): LAYER OVER 5: DIM p(1): SAVE "zh" DATA p(): ENDPROC =1
2500 DIM p(1): LOAD "zh" DATA p()
2510 ENDPROC =0